Dialysis institute

Looking toward a healthier future

The Dialysis Treatment Institute

We plan to establish a dialysis institute that will provide
a convenient response for residents of the entire region;
save them time and money; reduce their suffering; and give
them hope for a better future!

The Need​

Tens of Gush Etzion-Mateh Yehuda residents who suffer from
renal insufficiency must currently travel several times a week to
large cities in order to receive dialysis. In addition to their medical
problems, they are forced to undertake the additional challenge
of a harrowing journey. The emotional difficulties resulting from
this also significantly affect the patients.


Together, we will establish a dialysis treatment institute in our region, for the sake of the unfortunate patients. For the sake of the Jewish nation. And for the sake of the Land of Israel.

The fulfillment of a dream

Dialysis Treatment Institute

For years, dialysis treatment patients in our region have longed for the establishment of a dialysis treatment center close to home.
Establishing a dialysis treatment institute is expensive and challenging, but we will not be deterred. You will be our partner. Let’s fulfill this dream as a team.

help us to save lives

Together, we will establish a dialysis treatment institute in our region, for the sake of the unfortunate patients. For the sake of the Jewish nation. And for the sake of the Land of Israel.


We call upon you to help us materialize this dream and to grant more life